Empowering Digital Tools

The Agricultural Investment and Input Supply Sub-Sector of the Ministry of Agriculture is committed to advancing digital solutions across various areas to improve overall efficiency, productivity, and customer satisfaction. By leveraging modern technology, the sub-sector aims to streamline operations, enhance data accuracy, and provide real-time insights to support decision-making processes.

Ethio Fertilizer Digital System

National Fertilizer Supply Tracking System

A system designed to monitor and manage the national fertilizer supply, providing real-time updates on stock levels, distribution, and demand aggregation across regions.

Ethio Hort Investment

Horticulture Investment Tracking System

A system to track national horticulture investments, providing real-time updates on daily exports and detailed insights into horticulture farms.

Ethio Agri Investment

Large Scale Agricultural Investment Information System

A system that provides comprehensive details about large-scale agricultural investments, including farm profiles, investment focuses, capital, and geolocation distribution for better monitoring and decision-making.

Ethio Livestock Investment

Livestock Investment Information Management System

A system that offers detailed information on livestock investments, including farm profiles, investment objectives, capital, and geographic distribution for efficient management and tracking.

MoA letters

Enhanced Planning & Reporting Digital System

A system that facilitates strategic planning and comprehensive reporting, providing real-time insights and analytics for improved decision-making and performance evaluation.

MoA letters

Digital Letter Management System

A system for managing and tracking official letters, enabling efficient document handling, routing, and storage for streamlined communication and record-keeping.

KUKUNET events

Event Management System

A system to manage conferences, training, workshops, and other events, allowing easy user registration and seamless tracking of event details and activities.

KUKUNET appointment

Online Appointment System

A platform for scheduling and managing appointments, allowing users to book, track, and manage appointments for various services efficiently.
Note: Only to Agricultural Investment and Input Sector of MoA

KUKUNET to do lists

To Do List

A simple and efficient tool to organize, prioritize, and track tasks, ensuring effective time management and productivity for experts.

Future systems are underway...